Share the Scene:VOTER INFO for Milton’s Annual Town Election today: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 Meet the 2024 Candidates: Click here to check out our 2024…
Share the Scene:Lizzy Carroll announces candidacy for re-election to School Committee My most important role is mom of two daughters, Annie and Julia, who attend…
Share the Scene:Jennifer Raymond announces candidacy for Town Meeting Member for Precinct 9 Dear Neighbors, I am excited to announce that I am running for…
Share the Scene:Mike Zullas announces candidacy for re-election to Milton Select Board Dear Milton Neighbor, I have been honored to work on your behalf as…
Share the Scene:Deborah M. Felton announces candidacy for Town Meeting Member for Precinct 2 I respectfully request your vote for Precinct 2 Town Meeting member….
Share the Scene:Mary Elizabeth Riffe announces candidacy for Town Meeting Member for Precinct 3 As a 26 year resident, my commitment to Milton is deep…
Share the Scene:Sean Bentley announces candidacy for Town Meeting Member for Precinct 7 I am Sean Bentley, a lifelong East Milton resident who hopes to…
Share the Scene:Kim Conroy announces candidacy for Town Meeting Member for Precinct 7 I’m Kim Conroy and I’m running for re-election of Town Meeting Member…
Share the Scene:Joan Gancarski announces candidacy for Town Meeting Member for Precinct 1 Good day, Neighbors. I’m Joan Gancarski, and I’m running for re-election as…