Positive thoughts about moving forward with Milton’s Chief of Police

Milton Scene OpinionMilton Scene Opinion
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Shared by Judy White-Orlando

Many people attended the Board of Selectman meeting last night. The tone was set in a positive way, with residents thanking the Board of Selectmen for their public service.

The speakers, including Lynda Lee Sheridan, Brian Kelley, and Diane DiTullio Agostino mentioned many of Chief Wells’ accomplishments and how well he works with our community. The major points made by the speakers were community, communication and public safety for our residents, seniors, and public schools.

Being chief of police anywhere is a tough job. Milton police have handled many difficult situations in our community and have handled them with confidence, good communication and great investigative talent. We all see what goes on in our country with other police departments struggling with diversity issues. Milton police have built relationships with our teenagers, community leaders and organizations to make sure police protection is handled with respect in mind for everyone.

All of this great work done by our police force is under the leadership of Chief Wells. No grievences have ever been filed under his time and he has earned the respect of his department. We elected the Board of Selectman to work out contracts and details. I am confident that citizen voices were heard tonight and a good outcome with come out of it, a new contract will be agreed upon, and Chief Wells will remain at the head of our police department for many years to come.

A guiding principal for our town is “Always do what is best for the town.”

Thanks for reading this. I am thankful that I live in Milton.

1 Comment on "Positive thoughts about moving forward with Milton’s Chief of Police"

  1. Judy where are the officers that you say respect him so much? Has anyone heard from them? Were they at the meeting you talk about? please explain where you are getting this information. It’s weird nobody seems to have heard from them. If so respected, would you not expect the officers to be publicly upset???

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