Error contained in the Average Teacher Salary in Milton chart

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Error to be corrected at the end of May

Thanks to a local resident, we realized that the Average Teacher Salary chart on the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education website contained an error. It incorrectly indicated that the average teacher salary in Milton in 2016 was $98,286, up from $80,117 in 2015. After several conversations with DESE and with the vendor who supplies our data reporting software, we discovered the source of the error. The website incorrectly shows that the number of teachers dropped from 286 in 2015 to 240 in 2016 when in fact it had increased to 290. Taking into account the correct number of teachers, the average salary should be $81,408, which is consistent with prior years’ data.

The error has been corrected with DESE and will be corrected on their website when it is next updated at the end of May.

Milton School Committee

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