Joe Parlavecchio announces candidacy for Town Meeting

Joe Parlavecchio
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Joe Parlavecchio announces candidacy for Town Meeting

Parlavecchio to represent Precinct 9

I would like to introduce myself as a candidate for election for Town Meeting Member in Precinct 9. I live on Colonial Road with my wife, Olivia, and three children, Nora (6), Audrey (4.5), and AJ (3). Our decision to move to Milton a few years ago was one of the best ones we made. We have truly appreciated the people we’ve met here, all the friendships we’ve made, and everything that this great town has to offer. Now I am hopeful for the opportunity to do what I can to contribute to shaping an even better future for our community!

To give you a sense of my background, after graduating from Boston College High School and then Dartmouth College, I spent the past 20+ years in the financial services industry. During that time, I fostered deep relationships with my clients and developed an understanding of the perseverance and collaboration it takes to effectively get things done. In my current role as a Financial Planner, I must look at the big picture and recognize how all the pieces need to fit together to be successful. I have credentials including Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), and Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), which hold me to the highest industry standards. I also serve as Co-Vice President & Assistant Treasurer on the Board of Directors of the Popponesset Beach Association on the Cape, and am an Assistant Coach for Milton Youth Soccer.

I act as a fiduciary in my day-to-day job, which is something I take very seriously, and it’s a responsibility I would extend to the role of Town Meeting Member by committing to always do what’s in the best interest of our town, and specifically, Precinct 9. I promise to be an excellent communicator, both keeping residents apprised of what’s going on in our community, but more importantly, listening to my Precinct and being a strong advocate for its interests.

I ask for the support of Precinct 9 voters on Election Day, Tuesday, April 30, and if elected, I will work hard to prove that you made the right decision entrusting me with your vote! Thank you.

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