Milton Community Preservation Committee Holds Seventh Meeting of FY2024 Nov. 7

Meeting Agenda notepad for meeting notes, with computer and coffee. Image: canva
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Milton Community Preservation Committee Holds Seventh Meeting of FY2024 Nov. 7

The Milton Community Preservation Committee convened for its seventh meeting of Fiscal Year 2024 on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. The meeting was held at the Milton Town Hall in the Blute Conference Room and was open to the public. In a nod to modern technology, a Zoom link and dial-in number 1-929-205-6099 were also provided for those who preferred to participate remotely. The meeting ID : 854 5180 4126 and passcode : 770536 for the virtual session were shared to ensure easy access for all interested parties.

The meeting began promptly at 7:00 p.m. and featured a comprehensive agenda that covered various community preservation topics. Here’s a breakdown of the key items discussed during the meeting:

1. Committee Introduction

To commence the evening, the committee provided an introduction, welcoming attendees and highlighting the importance of community preservation in Milton.

2. FY2024 Funding Application Review and Discussion

One of the most significant segments of the meeting revolved around the review and discussion of funding applications for FY2024. Several project proposals were presented for consideration:

  • 7:10 p.m.: Forbes House Barn Improvements – Heidi Vaughan presented the proposal, outlining plans for enhancing the historic Forbes House Barn.
  • 7:25 p.m.: Affordable Housing Trust – Julie Creamer discussed the application for the Affordable Housing Trust, emphasizing the importance of affordable housing in Milton.
  • 7:40 p.m.: Blue Hills Observatory Fencing – Barbara Farina presented the project aimed at improving the fencing around the Blue Hills Observatory.
  • 7:55 p.m.: Andrews Park Baseball Improvements – Steve Novak discussed plans to enhance the baseball facilities at Andrews Park.
  • 8:10 p.m.: Basketball Court Improvements – Details about the proposal for improvements to the basketball courts were shared.
  • 8:20 p.m.: Manning Park Pergola – The proposal for a new pergola at Manning Park was discussed, highlighting the potential benefits to the community.

3. Administrative Items

After discussing the funding applications, the committee addressed administrative matters. This included the approval of the meeting minutes from October 25, 2023, and discussions about financial matters related to the Community Preservation Act (CPA).

4. Discussion on Funding Score Cards

The committee engaged in a robust discussion regarding the funding score cards, a crucial step in the decision-making process for allocating community preservation funds. The funding score cards help evaluate the projects based on various criteria to ensure that the funds are allocated efficiently and effectively.

5. Adjourn

The meeting concluded with an announcement of adjournment, with the committee’s members and attendees looking forward to the outcomes of the funding decisions and the positive impact these projects will have on the community.

The Milton Community Preservation Committee’s commitment to preserving and enhancing the town’s historical, recreational, and affordable housing resources was evident throughout the evening’s discussions.

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