Green Up Milton will take place April 29th – May 1st!

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Green Up Milton will take place April 29th – May 1st!

In celebration of Earth Day, the Milton DPW and Sustainable Milton will be again hosting the Green up Milton this year on the weekend of April 29th! All town groups are encouraged to participate including schools, sports teams, neighborhood associations, town clubs, Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, churches and temples, and any other small group OR even just an individual that wishes to join in on this great event! This is an opportunity to clean up areas around town to maintain Milton’s beauty.

Green Up Milton is important not only to beautify Milton, but also to promote proper disposal practices and help combat the effects littering has on our local environment. We are lucky enough to be surrounded by such special green spaces like the Blue Hills Reservation and the Neponset River Watershed. Our trash negatively affects these fragile ecosystems and the diversity of inhabitants – clogging drainage, cluttering tree limbs, waterways, polluting our soil, water, and air with chemicals and toxins, and trapping or entangling animals.

Now is the time to start organizing your groups and choose your Green Up area! Please sign up your team or yourself using this form. You can send any additional inquiries or questions to [email protected].  If you are an individual looking to join, you are encouraged to sign up! Individuals can clean up wherever your schedule takes you (Got a soccer game or soft ball game to attend? Take a bag with you and clean as you go!). You can also request to be added to an existing group/area.

Milton DPW will provide supplies including garbage bags, recycling bags, and work gloves. The supplies can be picked up at the DPW Yard the week of the event (629 Randolph Ave). If a group cannot work then, they are more than welcome to schedule their cleanup work at a given later date. DPW staff will complete the cleanup by collecting all garbage and recycling bags and large debris at designated pickup locations.

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