Superintendent Mary C. Gormley shares Update regarding Full Day Kindergarten

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From: Mary C. Gormley
To:  Parents/Guardians and Staff
Re: E-blast Update
Date:  Thursday, May 28, 2015


I would like to share with you an important update regarding state funding for Full Day Kindergarten, which remains in jeopardy.

The State Senate, in its FY16 Budget, only provides $1 million for the Quality Full Day Kindergarten Line Item (7030-1002).  This represents a 95% reduction in funding and could have a dramatic and negative impact on Full Day Kindergarten across the Commonwealth.  Here in Milton, the impact could be a tuition increase of $600 per family.

The state budget now goes to the Conference Committee, a small group of both House and Senate members who will settle the differences between their respective budgets.

Here is what you can do: Contact our Milton legislative delegation and the conference committee members (listed below) and tell them to please restore funding for the quality full day kindergarten program, line item #7030-1002. Your calls and emails really do make a big difference.  So, please act now!

Read More from Mary C. Gormley’s May 28, 2015 e-blast.

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