Milton Parents: Do you have questions about IEPs for your child?

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SEPAC Parents Workshop: AN IEP For my Child

October 6, 2015, 7 – 9 p.m.

Location: Glover Elementary School library

On Tuesday October 6, 7-9 p.m., Alessandra Di Credico from the Federation for Children with Special Needs will present “An IEP for My Child” in the Glover Elementary library.

She will go over topics such as:

  • Articulating a vision
  • Writing measurable goals
  • Tracking your child’s progress

We will also have time for parents speak – please bring your questions, comments and concerns!

Please check out the Milton SEPAC website at: Please contact us with any questions/concerns at [email protected] (or by filling out a request form on our website under Contact Us).


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