Milton resident Daryl Elliot testifies in favor of lower physical therapy co-pays

Daryl Elliot supports Bill H-922: An Act relative to physical therapyDaryl Elliot supports Bill H-922: An Act relative to physical therapy
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Physical therapist and Milton resident Daryl Elliot urges reduction or elimination of physical therapy co-pays

On Tuesday, December 8, physical therapists, including Milton Resident Daryl Elliot, spoke at the Joint Committee on Financial Services in support of Bill H-922, An Act relative to physical therapy. The bill, which would require copayments to be same amount as doctor’s office visit copayments, was filed by Rep. David Nangle.

“Twenty dollars is really a minimum copay. Nowadays it’s up in the $40, $50 range,” Elliott said. “So we have to approach people and say three times a week, to get out of pain, it’s $150 [per week]. It’s unfathomable.”

Shared from State House News Service and Elliot Physical Therapy.



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