Mike Zullas changes course; will explore State House run

Milton School Committee Chair Mike Zullas, wearing a suit and tie, is smiling in front of an American flag as he announces his decision to seek re-election.Mike Zullas
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A message from Milton School Committee Chair Mike Zullas:

Just two weeks ago, I announced in the local media that I intended to seek reelection to the School Committee. At that time, I was fully committed to serving another three years on that body.  Since then, however, and particularly in the last few days, much has changed in our community’s representation in the State House.  Those changes have caused me to re-think how I can best serve our community going forward.  Over the coming weeks I will be taking a hard look at other opportunities to serve.  Given that, I could not in good conscience, and I would not, ask my neighbors for their votes to serve another three years on the School Committee.  Therefore, I will not be a candidate for reelection to the School Committee.

I will not be a candidate for reelection to the School Committee. — Mike Zullas

The opportunity to serve as a member of the School Committee, and particularly as the Chair, has been a privilege, and the work of the School Committee has yielded results, including on the three goals that were the focus of our campaign three years ago: tackling achievements gaps, consolidating school and town business functions, and developing a strategic plan.

As I have mentioned before, I believe that the state of the Milton Public Schools is very good.   We have a public school district that we are proud of, that is envied by its peers, that helps to keep property values high by attracting families to Milton, and, most importantly, that provides a top-quality education for each child in our Town.

I encourage all those with an interest, and with value to add, to seek election to the School Committee.  It has been my honor to work with the talented educators, administrators and public servants of this school district, and it will be yours as well.

I look forward to the work of the School Committee over the next two months, and will soon let you know what the future holds for me beyond that.

1 Comment on "Mike Zullas changes course; will explore State House run"

  1. Elizabeth Thomas | February 29, 2016 at 11:40 am | Reply

    Mr. Zullas, your commitment has been remarkable and indeed your voice and dedication as Chair on the School Committee has been a huge benefit to us here in Milton. On behalf of my family I wish you continued success as you explore other avenues where you will continue to be of service. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to serve.

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