Explore Japan program still accepting applications for Summer 2016 in Milton

Explore Japan program now accepting applications for summer 2016 in MiltonExplore Japan program now accepting applications for summer 2016 in Milton
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The Explore Japan Program is a unique 2.5-week cultural exchange program now celebrating its 23rd year!

Explore Japan program now accepting applications for summer 2016 in Milton

Explore Japan program now accepting applications for summer 2016 in Milton

In this one-of-a-kind enrichment and exchange experience, local students ages 8-18 host and spend time with a visiting Japanese High School student, learn about the many facets of Japanese culture, and make friendships to last a lifetime. Explore Japan is happy to announce that we are now accepting applications from families in all Eastern MA communities for Summer 2016.

The Boys’ Program will be from July 21 to August 7, 2016 at the Pierce Middle School, and the Girls’ Program from July 24 to August 9 at Milton High School. For the 2.5 weeks of the program, both Japanese students and local students will participate in daily activities Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at their respective locations. Each program includes morning workshops on Japanese language, arts and crafts, cooking, martial arts, calligraphy and a variety of interesting cultural exercises, and a number of afternoon activities such as the Boston Tea Party Museum, Canobie Lake Park and Plimoth Plantation.

Explore Japan is FREE for one child from each family who hosts a Japanese student for the duration of the program. That is a two-and-a-half-week program, 9 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday, including admission and supervision on afternoon field trips – for free! In addition, for host families who have a child who is at least 15 years of age, Explore Japan has a limited number of internship and program staff opportunities. For more information about the Explore Japan program, or to apply to participate, please visit our website at www.americanlearning.com.

Local families who are interested in learning more can call 617-996-0622, or email [email protected]. Space in the program is limited, so we do recommend that you apply soon to ensure you and your family can participate in this year’s program!



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