Milton Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition to hold community meeting Sept. 19

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“Putting it All Together” to take place at Milton Hospital.

The Milton Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition will be hold a special community meeting entitled, “Putting it All Together” on Monday September 19th at 7 p.m. at Milton Hospital.

The meeting will feature the formal release of the coalition’s yearlong Substance Abuse Community Assessment, including the results of the town’s Parent Survey, Student and Adult focus groups, and Key Leader Interviews. The data will include the most currently available information on alcohol and drug misuse  in our adult and youth population.

The presentation will also address which substances are most prevalent in town, what are the top concerns of parents and students, what factors are driving our substance abuse challenges, and ideas for what our community can do to tackle these challenges. Laurie Stillman, public health consultant and resident, will make the presentation along with resident Dr. Margie Skeer, professor at Tufts University School of Medicine and Public Health.

Refreshments will be provided, courtesy of the hospital. There is limited seating, so RSVPs are appreciated to guarantee a spot by September 17th .  Email [email protected] to RSVP or for more information.

Visit our website at MSAPC is a program of the Milton Board of Health


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