Swastikas found in bathrooms at Milton’s Pierce middle school

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Several swastikas were discovered in the bathrooms of Pierce Middle School in Milton

From the Desk of the Superintendent:

The following letter was written by Pierce Middle School Principal Dr. Karen Spaulding and was sent to all Pierce families last night. I wanted to inform the Milton Public School community about this incident and assure each of you that we are fully cooperating with the Milton Police Department’s investigation. I would also like to reiterate that one of our district’s core values is “Respect for Human Differences.”  We strive each and every day to promote a culture that is both safe and supportive to all of our students and will continue to do so.

– Mary C. Gormley

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I write this afternoon to share with you that swastikas were recently discovered in one of our student bathrooms. This is extremely troubling and highly inconsistent with the inclusive culture that we are committed to creating at the Pierce Middle School.  In response to these incidents, we immediately and thoroughly investigated, identified who was responsible, and followed up as is dictated by the Code of Conduct in the Pierce Middle School Handbook.  I especially wish to reassure you that I and my entire staff are firmly committed to fostering a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment for every member of our community.  To that end, this type of behavior will not be tolerated at the Pierce Middle School.  In addition, I will be working closely with my leadership team and the entire faculty in the days to come to determine appropriate educational next steps.

If you or your child would like to discuss this further or need some additional support, I encourage you to reach out to your child’s guidance counselor or me directly. Please see below for your child’s guidance counselor’s information:

Grade 6: Mrs. Veldran
[email protected]
617-696-4568 ext. 3607

Grade 7:  Mrs. Benjamin
[email protected]
617-696-4568  ext. 3605

Grade 8:  Ms. MacCurtain
[email protected]
617-696-4568 ext. 3606

Again, you can always reach out directly to me as well at [email protected] or 617-696-4568 ext. 3602.

I thank you in advance for partnering with us in our efforts and wish you and your family peace in the coming year.

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