Rep. Dan Cullinane urges” keeping the Mattapan Trolley on the tracks” with petition

Milton Mattapa
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Rep. Dan Cullinane urges” keeping the Mattapan Trolley on the tracks” with petition

From Rep. Cullinane’s website:

Last month, the MBTA revealed that it needed more time to study the Mattapan Trolley line, leaving many to believe “the status of the historic streetcars [are] in doubt (The Boston Globe).” That is why we – the residents of Mattapan, Dorchester, Hyde Park, and Milton – who depend on this important public transportation link – must stand united together to send a clear message to Governor Baker and the MBTA that we need to save the Mattapan Trolley line!

The Mattapan Trolley Line is living history and it adds significant character and charm to our communities, but more than the aesthetic and quality of life value, it has a critical economic impact on residential property values, local businesses, and on attracting much needed economic development interest along the neighborhoods this trolley line serves. Thousands of MBTA riders rely on the Mattapan Trolley everyday to connect them to the Red Line at Ashmont Station. As such, we firmly believe that keeping the Mattapan Trolley Line operating is of the highest priority for the people of Mattapan, Dorchester, Hyde Park, and Milton.

Read more here and sign the petition if you agree.

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