Milton, Mattapan, Hyde Park and Dorchester launch Neponset Neighbors Together Fund in historic partnership with United Way

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Milton, Mattapan, Hyde Park and Dorchester launch Neponset Neighbors Together Fund in historic partnership with United Way

This new fund will help individuals and families who have been financially impacted by this coronavirus pandemic

Recognizing that all families have been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders from the communities of Milton, Mattapan, Hyde Park, and Dorchester are establishing the Neponset Neighbors Together Fund in a historic partnership with United Way to ensure vulnerable individuals and families have the resources they need to weather this public health crisis.

The Neponset Neighbors Together Fund is a collaboration among United Way, the Town of Milton, and the Boston neighborhoods of Mattapan, Dorchester, and Hyde Park through Boston City Councilors Andrea Campbell and Ricardo Arroyo, the Milton Interfaith Clergy Association, and Courageous Conversations Toward Racial Justice Milton-Mattapan, to establish a COVID-19 Fund to support neighbors in these four communities who are adversely impacted by the current health crisis. This collaboration and fund are an expression of the communities’ desire to collaborate and care for each other. It is a recognition that borders, though useful for governing, need not separate them.

“I am honored to be part of this regional partnership that unites our neighborhoods of Dorchester, Mattapan, and Hyde Park and Milton, which can often feel worlds apart from one another, in responding to the needs of our residents hardest hit by COVID-19,” said Councilor Andrea Campbell. “I am grateful to United Way for launching this fund and I invite others to join us to support this effort to expand relief and resources for those that need it most.”

“I am grateful for this partnership as it will bring much-needed resources into communities that are bearing the brunt of COVID-19 each and every single day,” said Boston City Councilor Ricardo Arroyo. “I ask that you stand with me and support United Way so we can deliver immediate assistance to those who need it the most.”

“The Town of Milton is grateful for the opportunity to work with our neighbors in Mattapan, Hyde Park, and Dorchester to help those most in need,” said Mike Zullas, Chair of Milton’s Select Board. “We thank Councilors Campbell and Arroyo for their leadership and the United Way for its sponsorship of this important initiative.”

Funds raised will be used to support families’ basic needs such as rent, food, utilities, internet connectivity for families with school-aged children, essential supplies and medications, and other basic needs. All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of the proceeds (net credit card fees) will go to individuals seeking assistance via nonprofits already working in the communities.

As a part of this community fundraising initiative, a Milton High School student has produced front door heart signs for purchase with all proceeds donated to the Neponset Neighbors Together Fund. These signs represent a community “thank you” to all frontline workers and show support for neighbors impacted by this crisis.

The Neponset Neighbors Together Fund exists to mobilize those who can give to support their neighbors. A coalition of local providers will be put together to distribute emergency financial assistance. In the coming days, visit the United Way website for more detailed information on fund eligibility requirements and information about where to inquire for support. Until then, those who need immediate help should contact United Way’s 2-1-1 helpline or visit for comprehensive information and referrals related to the virus.

Donations to the fund can be made online or via Donor Advised Fund by including “The United Way Neponset Neighbors Together Fund” in your recommendation details. Our tax ID number is 04-2382233. Donations by check can be mailed to the following address: United Way of Massachusetts Bay, PO Box 51381, Boston, MA 02205-1381. Please make checks out to “United Way of Massachusetts Bay” and include the “Neponset Neighbors Together Fund” in the memo section.

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