April 21 Select Board: Milton’s farmers market and Lexia Core5/Iready programs

Select Board Update
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April 21 Select Board: Milton’s farmers market and Lexia Core5/Iready programs

Milton’s farmers market

The Select Board met to provide an update on the grant for $5000 that the Master Plan Implementation Committee was looking into for the Parks and Recreation 1 year pilot program for reimplementing the farmers market. Unfortunately, this is not going to be allowed as the Select Board cannot advocate of behalf of the farmers market since it is a private entity. There is a backup plan in place which will consist of working with the Chamber of Commerce, some fundraising and possible collaborations with nearby towns in order to revive the farmers market that was not able to operate last year due to Covid-19.

Lexia Core5 and Iready programs

The next item for discussion was the letter of support for Milton Public Schools (MPS) community project funding request for Lexia Core5 and Iready reading and math instruction programs, pilot project. One application has been filed for MPS. Some of the teachers have noted that they find these programs to be an effective way to track student’s progress and needs. The Select Board motioned to accept the letter of support.

The next meeting is scheduled to be held on April 28.

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