Milton Council on Aging seeking amateur artists age 60+

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Milton Council on Aging seeking amateur artists age 60+

The Milton Council of Aging will feature original artwork by local amateur artists over the age of 60. The work will be on the cover of the Walnut Street Journal, the monthly news bulletin published by the Milton Council on Aging A short biography of your artistic journey will be included in the issue.

Paintings and drawings (no photographs) in any media will be considered. Artwork will be selected which reflects the holidays, seasonal weather, and local landscape and seascape attractions appropriate for each month. For example, spring flowers or blooming trees would be appropriate for the month of May.

To submit, send a photo of your art which may be taken with a cell phone, your name and email address to The Milton Council on Aging at [email protected] by March 18.

Limit three photos per person, no fee. Provide the title, media, and size of the art. Art will be selected by the staff at the Council on Aging. No reimbursement will be made for publication of your work.

A new wall-gallery has been created in the lobby at the Council on Aging. If you would like your artwork to be considered for a “solo-exhibition” indicate that you are interested in the exhibition space along with your submission.

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