Engaging Community Agenda: Council on Aging Meeting on November 13, 2023

select board meeting. Source: MATV
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Engaging Community Agenda: Council on Aging Meeting on November 13, 2023

The Council on Aging (COA) is set to host a meeting on November 13, 2023, commencing at 9:00 a.m. The gathering will take place at COA, located at 10 Walnut Street, in the Classroom. This meeting promises to address a range of topics vital to the well-being and engagement of the Milton community’s senior members.

The meeting’s agenda includes a wide array of items, offering community members insights into the ongoing and upcoming activities and initiatives of the COA. The detailed agenda is as follows:


  1. Call to Order: The meeting will be formally called to order, marking the commencement of the discussions.
  2. Public Comments: A section for public comments, providing an opportunity for community members to voice their thoughts and concerns.
  3. Secretary’s Report: An update on the council’s secretary’s activities and progress.
  4. Treasurer’s Report: An overview of the council’s financial status and developments.
  5. Director’s Report:
    • Program Updates: Information about ongoing programs for seniors.
    • Upcoming Trips: Details on upcoming trips and excursions.
  6. Friends of COA: A discussion regarding the Friends of COA, likely involving their contributions and support to the council’s activities.
  7. SSE Report: A report on the activities and status of the Social Service and Education (SSE) department.
  8. Quality Control: A focus on maintaining the quality of services and programs provided by the COA.
  9. Old Business:
    • Code of Ethics framed and placed: An update on the establishment and placement of the Code of Ethics.
    • Overnight Trips: Discussion on plans for overnight trips.
    • Resident Breakdown: Analysis of the resident demographics.
    • Health Department: Updates from the Health Department and their collaboration with COA.
  10. New Business:
    • Friendly Visitor: Discussion on a program or initiative related to friendly visitor services.
    • Community Involvement: Exploring avenues for greater community involvement and engagement.
  11. Questions/Feedback/Concerns: A section dedicated to addressing questions, receiving feedback, and discussing concerns raised by community members.

This meeting is an opportunity for the Milton community to stay informed and actively participate in the council’s endeavors aimed at enhancing the well-being of its senior members. The COA’s dedication to transparency and community engagement is apparent in this comprehensive agenda.

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