POLL RESULTS: Respondents split on outdoor winter plaza proposed in East Milton Square

Rendering of Winter Plaza at Franklin and AdamsRendering of Winter Plaza at Franklin and Adams Streets
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POLL RESULTS: Respondents split on outdoor winter plaza proposed in East Milton Square

A new proposal to create an outdoor plaza at the end of Franklin Street at Adams Street met with mixed responses from residents in the neighborhood. The Milton Planning Department is seeking to apply for a state grant to fund the proposal.

The space would give local restaurants a shared space for take-out dining. It would include picnic tables, an outdoor screen and projector, a hot beverage/snack bar kiosk, and overhead string lights.

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Poll results:

What do you think of the outdoor winter plaza proposed in East Milton Square?

I love the idea.
No. Absolutely not.
I have mixed feelings.


“First figure out and enforce delivery trucks…..also the traffic backing up…not against idea but think it should be proposed for the overpass park.”

“This is a waste of time and energy. Traffic is already horrendous on the streets behind here, not to mention COVID-19.”

“Great idea! Funded by a grant so win-win for town. We need outdoor space and a walk ability in the square. Will reduce cut through traffic and support residents who want to eat safely outdoors.”

“Enough traffic already. This is a ridiculous idea!”

“Too crowded in the area….too many trucks making deliveries and blocking traffic on a narrow street. I sympathize with all restaurants but I don't think public should be blocked. I don't know how many people have diagnosed with the virus after eating in a restaurant…I don't think the number is too high. Gov. Baker needs to lighten up on restaurants.”

“Great idea wrong place.”

“Give us parking.”

“Primary thought: WRONG LOCATION. Does closing the street have more problems than benefits? Closing provides the businesses with a temporary winter place to sell what…food and coffee? Closing pushes delivery trucks including semi rigs from parking and accessing delivery to the same business by blocking Adams Street, pushes everyday traffic into the square where construction will be happening. Some questions are unanswered yet: what is the timeline to start? How temporary is it? Hours? Who will store the tables, booth, etc.? Who will remove snow and how? What businesses operate and who decides in the selection process? Alternate off street spot: the parking area across from the spa on Bassett Street. Of course that impacts Fitness Unlimited which requires more parking than a business that size should ever have been allowed in the middle of the square.”

“A state grant to fund the proposal? Are you kidding?”

“Supporting local business is great but this goes way overboard to increase and shift traffic deeper into the neighborhood!”

“Why not try to utilize the alleyway for this project instead of closing Franklin St? Traffic is already bad, why make it even worse for the residential streets behind this proposed site for a few picnic tables? Dress up the alley.”

“Would cause too much traffic.”

“An outdoor area seems odd in the winter…why not spring-fall? No mention of space heaters or anything for the cold.”

“With some due respect I believe, unfortunately, this is the pattern continuing from the mindset of those who are intent on creating bike lanes EVERYWHERE. Now keep in mind I’m very interested in safety for cyclists, our oldest son is an avid cyclist. However, the planners in this regard have gone strong in taking over the roads we pay for and pay to maintain with excise taxes, gasoline taxes, etc. One thing that bothers me the most is most cyclists fail to obey traffic laws, run red lights, cycle as if they own the roads. Sorry, that’s how I feel.”

“Constantly poorly considered planning and investment in infrastructure in East Milton. Transportation plans and design are ill conceived despite contracting with a reputable transportation planning and engineering firm. Congestion and vehicle and pedestrian safety is at risk and this proposal if it becomes permanent after the pandemic will exacerbate these problems. Just look at the built environment. Perhaps it would be worthy to consult with Quincy given its current investments in development and roadway improvements. Certainly it can share best practices and lessons learned. It’s worthy to want to draw more people to the square – the vitality is important – but this is a short sighted patch.”

“Delivery trucks will be parking in your driveway now, right?”

“Need to help our small businesses!”

“I think it is a creative idea, but with Covid cases rising, I don’t think we should be encouraging people to gather at this time. Also, winter weather is not very conducive to outdoor dining. I will still support local restaurants by getting takeout, but will eat at home.”

“It is an idea worth exploring, and being done with no direct cost and AS A PILOT to see if it works, it’s a win win. If it doesn’t work, then the town has some patio furniture. If it does work, great.”

“This is only temporary, will support our businesses and allow people to meet during these unprecedented times. It also will be a good test in traffic and should get more people to walk!”

“We need more business or stronger business in the town and I will support everything about it.”

“East Milton Square needs vitality and energy. Right now it’s just a throughway and constant traffic. This whole area needs to be reinvigorated with a new purpose. I would love to see more of the same to boost pedestrian ways, shopping, dining and outdoor activities in winter and summer. Our kids and families need someplace safe to hang out. This sounds like a great beginning.”

“Absolutely crazy. Restaurants are hurting but to gather people in groups is against all guidance. Would also cause a traffic nightmare!!!”

“One of the dumbest ideas ever.”

“This is stupid. It’s cold out. also, it invites non household mingling. stay the f*&k home and stop the spread.”

“The square is hard enough already with congestion and traffic.. why not wait and do it in the wasted “park” space that’s being redone. Stupid idea and will make many not even bother.”

“We absolutely need to send every strong message that gathering inside this winter will kill our neighbors. the variant of COVID that’s coming will be very very bad.”

“Waste of money Will only add to the awful parking cluster@#$& that is East Milton Square.”

“Love the idea. Concerned about cars that could crash through though.”

“Needs cover, heat lamps.”

“Traffic and parking are already major problems… there is a residential neighborhood suffering daily… where are these winter park goers from other areas expected to park to walk to this venue, how are emergency response vehicles expected to traverse our neighborhood. This belongs in the Manning Park once completed.”

“I guess my only question is .How does this affect the businesses right there? Are they going to be pushed out? This affects a lot of people.”

“I am happy to see the Town thinking outside of the box!!”

“Traffic is already bad in E. Milton. This would make it worse.”

“Stupidest idea ever presented in this town!!”

“Six picnic tables for a town of 25,000 residents? A hot kiosk stand belongs near athletic fields, ice skating and ski areas, not outdoors in East Milton Square.”

“It makes the Square even more congested than it already is. Plus, very few people would use it in the winter. Very wasteful use of money.”

“Why not use the vacant land in front of Starbucks, or the parking lot behind Abbey Park, for the outside seating? Otherwise, where would the delivery trucks go?”

“Great idea, terrible location. It’s already so difficult to drive through east Milton square, blocking off Franklin will make it nearly impossible.”

“Next Abby park will be serving food out there.”

“Public Safety and Access to Neighborhood – Better Ways are available – Parking area in back of Abby Park – look at The Common Market for a good example of what to do.”

“Support local business. Give neighbors a place to gather outside. Encourage pedestrian traffic. Discourage driving. Love it.”

“Terrible idea. Blocks traffic. Useless concept. What happens when it snows? Are plows just not going to plow that street? Crinkle it up and throw the idea in the trash bin.”

“It’s a great way for people to be outside and interact with other residents. I am all for this idea!”

“I don’t believe this is the proper way to deal with the problem . How many town residents will be affected by the closing of the street to everyday use? It will have an impact on neighboring streets and will add to the traffic through E. Milton Square. How about a roof top restaurant instead.”

“Creates a welcoming and energetic community.”


Miltonscene.com online polls are not intended to be a scientific sample of local opinion. Instead, they are a way for readers to share their views on the news with the Milton Scene and Milton Neighbors.

Respondents are not randomly selected, but select themselves to vote on a specific question or set of questions. In addition, while Miltonscene.com online polls are designed to allow only one vote per user, technically savvy users may find ways around this limitation. For these reasons, the polls are not presented as scientific surveys or as representative of the opinion of the general population of our readership areas, region or nation.

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