Calling all Milton dog owners: Renew your pet’s license for 2016!

Little girl with a dog in summer. Copyright Melissa Fassel DunnLittle girl with a dog in summer. Copyright Melissa Fassel Dunn
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2015 dog licenses for Milton have expired; renew your pet’s license for 2016.

Do you own a pet? Your dog’s 2015 license expired on December 31.

All dogs in the state of Massachusetts are required to be licensed in the town they live in EVERY year. Licenses are now due and available for 2016. You must have a valid rabies certificate for your dog to show when licensing. The cost is $10.00 for a spayed or neutered dog and $15.00 for an intact dog.

There are several ways to get your dogs licensed.

Remember, Milton Neighbors:


The Milton Animal League works in partnership with Officer Nancy Bersani, Milton’s Animal Control Officer.

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