Boston Hypnobirthing offering 50% off May classes in Milton

Boston Hypnobirthing offering 50% off May classes in MiltonBoston Hypnobirthing offering 50% off May classes in Milton
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Your baby’s birth can be a joyous and empowering experience.

In honor of opening our new studio in Milton, we are offering 50% off the tuition for our May class, beginning on Saturday, May 7th through June 4th. Contact us to register today or for more information.

Many mothers do not realize they can have a calm, safe, satisfying birth that is free of fear and tension. Fear and misinformation can turn what is a normal, healthy process for most women into a medical event.

Boston Hypnobirthing offering 50% off May classes in MiltonHypnoBirthing® is a childbirth education program that guides expectant mothers and their birthing partners through self-directed relaxation, breathing, and visualization techniques for calmer, gentler, and easier childbirth. These techniques help reduce fear, pain, or discomfort, helping women to call upon their natural birthing instincts and to free their birthing muscles of tension for smoother childbirth. The techniques help mothers remain calm and in control with the premise that there is no right or wrong way to birth, but that a relaxed state can improve birth outcomes. HypnoBirthing families report having high rates of natural births, more satisfying experiences, and less incidence of preterm labors and interventions such as cesareans and episiotomies.

Boston HypnoBirthing is conveniently located in Milton, MA near several Boston area neighborhoods. Unlike most childbirth classes taught in hospital settings, we have a cosy and inviting studio space that maximizes comfort. Our group classes are small and intimate, limited to 3 to 7 couples. Our course offers complete childbirth preparation whether you plan to birth in a hospital, birth center, or at home. Additionally, you will have access to ongoing phone and email support.

Boston Hypnobirthing offering 50% off May classes in MiltonThe 12-hour HypnoBirthing® course is taught in five, 2 1/2 hour sessions for moms and their birthing companions. All couples receive the book HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method by Marie Mongan, accompanying CDs, and a unique Boston HypnoBirthing course compilation containing essential information to help participants have a more positive birth experience.

In honor of opening our new studio in Milton, we are offering 50% off the tuition for our May class, beginning on Saturday, May 7th through June 4th. Contact us to register today or for more information.

Contact Boston Hypnobirthing:

[email protected]

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