Milton Neighbors estimate number of air traffic complaints for April

How Many Air Traffic Complaints Will Milton Have For April?How Many Air Traffic Complaints Will Milton Have For April?
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Milton Neighbors estimate number of air traffic complaints for April

The Milton SceneĀ asked readers to estimate how many air traffic complaints MassPort would receive for April.

69Ā people responded to the survey.

Out of 69, 10.% guessedĀ Milton would logĀ 1,000 complaints;Ā 12% guessedĀ Milton would log 1,500 complaints; 17% guessed Milton would log 2,000 complaints, 17% guessed Milton would log 2,500 complaints and 46% guessed Milton would log over 2,500 complaints.

So how many complaints did Milton fileĀ to Massport?

Milton had 161 callers who filed 2,185 noise complaints in April. That means we filed nearly 75% of the noise complaints for the month, and nearly 60% of the noise complaints for the year, and are a mere 638 noise complaints away from surpassing the number of complaints we filed in all of 2015. How to file a noise complaint.

The next highest number of complaints were filed by residents of Cambridge. For April, they had 127 complaints compared to Milton’s 2,185.

How Many Air Traffic Complaints Will Milton Have For April?

How Many Air Traffic Complaints Will Milton Have For April?

Sign the Air Traffic Petition for Milton, MA on the Milton Scene

Disclaimer: online polls are not intended to be a scientific sample of local opinion. Instead, they are a way for readers to share their views on the news with the Milton Scene and Milton Neighbors.
Respondents are not randomly selected, but select themselves to vote on a specific question or set of questions. In addition, while online polls are designed to allow only one vote per user, technically savvy users may find ways around this limitation. For these reasons, the polls are not presented as scientific surveys or as representative of the opinion of the general population of our readership areas, region or nation.

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