Milton Council on Aging to discuss programs, trips, and policy updates in Jan. 8 meeting

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Milton Council on Aging to discuss programs, trips, and policy updates in Jan. 8 meeting

Date: January 8, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: COA, 10 Walnut Street, Classroom

The Milton Council on Aging (COA) is set to convene for its scheduled meeting on January 8, 2024, at the COA facility located at 10 Walnut Street, Milton.

The agenda for the meeting includes a range of important topics aimed at enhancing services and programs for the elderly community.


  1. Call to Order: The meeting will commence with an opening statement.
  2. Public Comments: An opportunity for the public to voice their thoughts or concerns.
  3. Secretary’s Report: Review and discussion of the secretary’s report.
  4. Treasurer’s Report: An update on the financial status and expenses.
  5. Director’s Report: This includes:
    • Program Updates: Information on ongoing programs and their status.
    • Upcoming Trips: Discussion on future excursions.
    • Trip Policy: Likely amendments or discussions regarding the COA trip policy.
  6. Friends of COA: Updates and developments from the affiliated group.
  7. SSE Report: Details on the Social Service for the Elderly (SSE) activities and outcomes.
  8. Quality Control: Ensuring high standards and quality in services provided.
  9. Old Business: Discussing previously addressed matters such as:
    • Friendly Visitor: Updates or concerns regarding this initiative.
    • Overnight Trips: Progress or changes related to overnight trips.
    • Health Department, AARP, Age Friendly: Collaborations and initiatives with external organizations.
    • Remembrance Ceremony: Planning or updates for this event.
    • Monthly Breakfast: Updates or changes to the regular breakfast program.
  10. New Business: Discussing fresh matters like:
    • Gift Certificate: Likely discussion on the distribution or use of gift certificates.
  11. Questions/Feedback/Concerns: A time for attendees to ask questions or express their thoughts.

This meeting is crucial in ensuring that the Council on Aging continues to evolve and cater effectively to the needs of the elderly population in our community. Members of the public, especially those with an interest in elder care, are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions.

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