Matt Morong announces candidacy for Planning Board, TMM Precinct 2

Matt Morong, 2024
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Matt Morong announces candidacy for Planning Board, TMM Precinct 2

Dear Neighbors:

My name is Matt Morong, and I am grateful to run for the Planning Board and Town Meeting in Precinct 2.

I am a father of a first grader at the Glover Elementary School; I am an architect with a background in planning, and I specialize in public transit.  I primarily work on projects for transportation and transit agencies, including modernizing facilities, improving services, increasing safety, and improving transit accessibility.

The Planning Board plays a huge role in our community, with impacts on how we live our everyday lives as Milton residents.  So many of us feel overwhelmed by traffic or astounded by increasing rent and real estate prices.  We worry whether our kids can afford to buy a house in the only town they’ve ever called home when they grow older, or whether when we grow older ourselves we can afford to downsize and stay in Milton.   We all wonder whether the Town will seek another override, adding to our property taxes.  And many of us would like to see an increase in small businesses around town. These are all issues that the planning board can change, and they are all reasons to elect the most qualified people to sit on it.

I have a proven track record.  The work I do requires constant collaboration with the public and with my team.  I understand how consensus-building and compromise are necessary to make good work happen. I believe that I can serve Milton well through listening to all residents, weighing issues that matter, and finding proactive solutions to the pressing issues that we face every day.  Land use policy is nuanced and technical, but its impacts are felt by everyone.  These issues are fundamental to the proper functioning of a community.

Milton deserves a Planning Board that addresses its unfinished business, incorporates public input from all sides, and tackles the issues in front of it with timeliness and professionalism.  For these reasons, I ask for your vote on April 30th.  Let’s build the Milton we deserve, while preserving the Milton we love.

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