Timilty opposes transfer station in Holbrook; arranges for Martin Suuberg visit to proposed site

Timilty opposes transfer station in Holbrook; arranges for Martin Suuberg visit to proposed siteTimilty opposes transfer station in Holbrook; arranges for Martin Suuberg visit to proposed site
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Rep. Walter Timilty arranges for Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection to tour proposed Holbrook transfer station location.

On Wednesday September 2nd, Representative Walter F. Timilty arranged for the Commissioner of The Department of Environmental Protection, Martin Suuberg, to attend a viewing of the location, proposed for the, ill-advised, waste-transfer station, in the Town of Holbrook.

Present at the viewing, orchestrated by Representative Timilty, was the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, Martin Suuberg and several members of his staff. The meeting was, also, attended by Representative Bruce J. Ayers, Representative William C. Galvin, Representative Mark J. Cusack, Town Councilor Bill Alexopoulos, Assistant Town Manager Brian Howard, Town Manager David Murphy, Town Councilor Kenrick Clifton, Public Health Director John McVeigh, Avon Town Administrator Francis Crimmins and Tara Tradd, from the Avon Board of Health.

Throughout the site viewing with the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, which occurred just outside of the perimeter of the proposed site of the TLA-Holbrook LLC Municipal Solid Waste-Transfer Station, Representative Timilty, along with his colleagues in the House of Representatives, and the local officials from the Town of Randolph and the Town of Avon, voiced their, adamant and unwavering, opposition to said transfer station.

“It is abundantly evident, to any individual, upon viewing the proposed location of the TLA-Holbrook LLC Municipal Solid Waste-Transfer Station, that the site is environmentally hazardous to the citizenry of the Town of Randolph.”

In the aftermath of the site viewing, Timilty stated, “It is abundantly evident, to any individual, upon viewing the proposed location of the TLA-Holbrook LLC Municipal Solid Waste-Transfer Station, that the site is environmentally hazardous to the citizenry of the Town of Randolph. Furthermore, all of the surrounding communities will be, negatively, impacted by the, numerous, deleterious bi-products that are engendered by a waste-transfer station. I, along with my colleagues in the House of Representatives, and the local officials in the towns of Randolph and Avon, will continue to, tirelessly, express staunch opposition to this destructive and unnecessary, proposed, waste-transfer station.”

-From the Office of State Representative Walter F. Timilty

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