35+ Milton residents attended the Massachusetts Port Authority Board meeting on September 15 to express concerns over air traffic abuse. During the meeting, the group of concerned residents called for the Massport Board to adopt a resolution to work with Milton residents and their representatives, along with airlines, pilots, air traffic controllers, and FAA representatives, to develop a voluntary plan to mitigate the air traffic abuse over Milton. The text of the resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, following a meeting with citizens of Milton at its High School in 2015 and following receipt of subsequent correspondence from Town of Milton officials, on September 15, 2016, certain residents of Milton and representatives of their elected officials met with this Board to further address impacts of NextGen implementation and associated issues; and
WHEREAS, this Board has been asked to cooperate with the residents of Milton and their representatives to develop a voluntary plan, in coordination with airlines, pilots, air traffic controllers, and FAA representatives (if any) who choose to participate; and
WHEREAS, a purpose of such cooperation will be to develop within 90 days a voluntary test plan that would potentially reduce aircraft noise and pollution over Milton by allocating airspace utilization in proportion to prevailing wind, by widening separation of aircraft utilizing 4L and 4R runways for landing approach, and by appropriately heightening aircraft altitude over Milton, each subject to pilot discretion;
NOW THEREFORE, upon motion duly made and seconded, it is hereby:
VOTED: that this Board hereby forms an ad hoc committee, composed of Directors ________________________who shall work with representatives designated by the Milton residents to develop a presentation to be made at the November 2016 meeting of this Board that outlines goals for a voluntary plan and steps for its implementation directed to coordinating with those airlines, air traffic controllers, and FAA representatives willing to participate in a test program to allocate airspace utilization in proportion to prevailing wind, to widen aircraft separation, and to appropriately heighten aircraft altitude over Milton, all subject to pilot discretion. The ad hoc Committee and Milton residents are requested to report on their progress and requested follow-on steps at this Board’s November 2016 meeting
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